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Question Is LIBRARIAN on VL-SL Basis or Vacation Service Credits?

2 years 9 months ago #11027 by Christian
Christian created the topic: Is LIBRARIAN on VL-SL Basis or Vacation Service Credits?
Good day!

May I ask if Librarian on VL-SL or VSC or it depends on the duties and responsibilities?

Any laws we can use ?

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2 years 9 months ago - 2 years 9 months ago #11028 by Action Officer 18
Action Officer 18 replied the topic: Is LIBRARIAN on VL-SL Basis or Vacation Service Credits?
Relative to your query is CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998 as amended by CSC MC No. 5 s. 2021.

Rule I, items no 1, 5, 6, and 11 defines Leave of absence, Sick leave, Vacation leave and Vacation Service Credits respectively as follows:

1. Leave of absence is generally defined as a right granted to officials and employees not to report for work with or without pay as may be provided by law and as the rules prescribe in Rule XVI hereof.

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5. Sick leave refers to leave of absence granted only on account of sickness or disability on the part of the employee concerned or any member of his immediate family.

6. Vacation leave refers to leave of absence granted to officials and employees for personal reasons, the approval of which is contingent upon the necessities of the service.

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11. Vacation Service Credits refers to the leave credits earned by public school teachers for services rendered during activities authorized by proper authorities during long and Christmas vacation. These credits are used to offset their absences due to illness or to offset proportional deduction in vacation salary due to absences for personal reasons or late appointment.

We hope we have enlightened you on the matter.
Last Edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Action Officer 18.

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