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Question Frequent absenteeism, leaving during duty without permission

2 years 6 months ago #11067 by eldie
eldie created the topic: Frequent absenteeism, leaving during duty without permission
Dear Sir/Madam,

Our office is having trouble with staff that are always absent. They do notify that they will be absent but the problem is for a weeks duty like 5 days they will only go on duty for 1 or 2 days and will then start being absent for the rest of the week. In 2021 one of them was absent for a total of 46 days within the year and another was absent for 35 days. Since they always have reasons for their absence (like no one to take care of their kids..or that they are sick) it cannot be made into unauthorized absence. But the problem is that their absence disrupts the work of the other staff they are on duty with because they have to cover for them too. These has been going on for more than a year and it has gotten worse this year. We do need personnel who can actually function in our office and not once who are absent more times than they actually go to work. We are at a lost on what to do with them.
We need the guidance of your office.

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2 years 6 months ago #11081 by Action Officer
Action Officer replied the topic: Frequent absenteeism, leaving during duty without permission
Thank you for your interest in the CSC Forum

Please be informed that as a matter of policy the CSC refrains from rendering categorical opinions on matters and issues that may later on be the subject of an administrative proceeding before the Commission either via an appeal or a complaint. This is to preclude the possibility of prejudgment should an actual administrative case be commenced or instituted based on the said matters or issues.

Nevertheless, for your guidance on the matter, an official/employee who continuously absent himself/herself to work may be held administratively liable for the offense of Frequent Unauthorized Tardiness is committed when an officer or employee incurs tardiness, regardless of the number of minutes, ten (10) times a month for at least two (2) months in a semester or at least two (2) consecutive months during the year.

In CSC Resolution No. 00-1397 dated June 13, 2000, the Commission clarified that Frequent Unauthorized Tardiness could either be a grave or less grave offense subject however to the following conditions, to wit:


“Where the position an employee holds not only requires him to report for duty at a prescribed time, but more significantly, the exigency of public service so requires it, his tardiness in office irreparably prejudices the government service, taking into account the frequence and regularity of its commission. His unauthorized tardiness depending on its depravity and effects on the government service as defined by the agency head.

“WHEREFORE, the Commission holds that ‘frequent unauthorized tardiness’ could either be a grave offense xxx or a light offense xxx depending on its effects on the government service as defined by the agency head.”

On the other hand, an official/employee who continuously absent himself/herself for work less than 30 days or more than 30 days may be dropped from the rolls pursuant to Rule 201 of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (2017 RACCS).

Please be guided accordingly.

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