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Question Bachelor Degree relevant to the Job

2 years 11 months ago #9638 by Samuel Vergara
Samuel Vergara created the topic: Bachelor Degree relevant to the Job
Good Day Civil Service, I just want to ask in relation to the above-mentioned subject. Is there any chance for a BS in Information Technology, BS in Computer Science, BS in Industrial Technology graduate or other computer related course to qualify in any Administrative Officer position like GSO, Cashier or Supply Officer?

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2 years 11 months ago #9807 by Action Officer
Action Officer replied the topic: Bachelor Degree relevant to the Job
Re: Education Requirement for Administrative/
General Service Officer, Cashier and
Supply Officer Positions
(Online Forum)

March 7, 2022

Dear Mr. Samuel Vergara:

This refers to your query whether the courses Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Technology, BS in Computer Science, BS in Industrial Technology graduate or other computer related courses would qualify as educational requirement to the Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO), Cashier or Supply Officer positions.

Please be informed that as a matter of policy, the Commission refrains from rendering an opinion on matters that may eventually be brought before it either by way of an appeal or a complaint, especially so if the material facts necessary for its judicious adjudication are not fully presented or substantiated as in the instant case. However, the Commission can provide you with certain provisions of the law which can give answer your queries.

Below are the educational requirements for the Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO), Cashier or Supply Officer positions pursuant to the CSC Memorandum Circular 1, series of 1997, otherwise known as the 1997 QS Manual.

Position Education Requirement pursuant to the 1997 Qualification Standard (QS) Manual

Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO) A and B Bachelor’s degree

Cashier A-D and Cashier I to V (SG 22) Bachelor’s degree

Cashier V (SG 24) Masteral Degree

Supply Officer I to V (SG 22) Bachelor’s degree

Supply Officer V (SG 24) Masteral Degree

Other than the 1997 QS Manual, the CSC may approved enhanced qualification standards of position/s requested by the government agency pursuant to Section 31, Rule VIII (Qualification Standards), 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAORHA), as amended, to wit:


“Part I. General Policies

“Sec. 31. The qualification standards are the minimum and basic requirements for positions in the government in terms of education, training, experience, Civil Service eligibility, physical fitness and other qualities required for successful performance of the duties of the position. These shall serve as the basic guide in the selection of the employees and in the evaluation of appointments to all positions in the government.

“The establishment, administration and maintenance of qualification standards shall be the responsibility of the department or agency, with the assistance and approval of the Civil Service Commission.

“Agencies are encourage to set specific or higher standards for their positions, including the required competencies. These standards shall be submitted to the Commission for approval, and once approved, the agency shall uniformly and consistently adopt these in the selection and appointment of employees. The approved qualification standards shall be adopted by the Civil Service Commission in the attestation of appointments of the agency concerned.” (Emphasis supplied)

Lastly, Section 49, Rule VIII of the 2017 ORAOHRA elaborates relevant bachelor’s degree as educational requirement in the 1997 QS Manual, to wit:

x x x

“Sec. 49. To meet the relevant bachelor’s degree requirement in the Qualification Standards Manual, the appointee must have completed from a CHED-recognized college or university a bachelor’s degree whose curriculum either includes, or is supplemented by, 12 academic units of the subject or course, which will enable the candidate to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled in the Position Description Form.” (Emphasis supplied)

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Director IV
Office for Legal Affairs

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2 years 11 months ago #9808 by Action Officer
Action Officer replied the topic: Bachelor Degree relevant to the Job
Re: Education Requirement for Administrative/
General Service Officer, Cashier and
Supply Officer Positions
(Online Forum)

March 7, 2022

Dear Mr. Samuel Vergara:

This refers to your query whether the courses Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Technology, BS in Computer Science, BS in Industrial Technology graduate or other computer related courses would qualify as educational requirement to the Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO), Cashier or Supply Officer positions.

Please be informed that as a matter of policy, the Commission refrains from rendering an opinion on matters that may eventually be brought before it either by way of an appeal or a complaint, especially so if the material facts necessary for its judicious adjudication are not fully presented or substantiated as in the instant case. However, the Commission can provide you with certain provisions of the law which can give answer your queries.

Below are the educational requirements for the Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO), Cashier or Supply Officer positions pursuant to the CSC Memorandum Circular 1, series of 1997, otherwise known as the 1997 QS Manual.

Position Education Requirement pursuant to the 1997 Qualification Standard (QS) Manual

Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO) A and B Bachelor’s degree

Cashier A-D and Cashier I to V (SG 22) Bachelor’s degree

Cashier V (SG 24) Masteral Degree

Supply Officer I to V (SG 22) Bachelor’s degree

Supply Officer V (SG 24) Masteral Degree

Other than the 1997 QS Manual, the CSC may approved enhanced qualification standards of position/s requested by the government agency pursuant to Section 31, Rule VIII (Qualification Standards), 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAORHA), as amended, to wit:


“Part I. General Policies

“Sec. 31. The qualification standards are the minimum and basic requirements for positions in the government in terms of education, training, experience, Civil Service eligibility, physical fitness and other qualities required for successful performance of the duties of the position. These shall serve as the basic guide in the selection of the employees and in the evaluation of appointments to all positions in the government.

“The establishment, administration and maintenance of qualification standards shall be the responsibility of the department or agency, with the assistance and approval of the Civil Service Commission.

“Agencies are encourage to set specific or higher standards for their positions, including the required competencies. These standards shall be submitted to the Commission for approval, and once approved, the agency shall uniformly and consistently adopt these in the selection and appointment of employees. The approved qualification standards shall be adopted by the Civil Service Commission in the attestation of appointments of the agency concerned.” (Emphasis supplied)

Lastly, Section 49, Rule VIII of the 2017 ORAOHRA elaborates relevant bachelor’s degree as educational requirement in the 1997 QS Manual, to wit:

x x x

“Sec. 49. To meet the relevant bachelor’s degree requirement in the Qualification Standards Manual, the appointee must have completed from a CHED-recognized college or university a bachelor’s degree whose curriculum either includes, or is supplemented by, 12 academic units of the subject or course, which will enable the candidate to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled in the Position Description Form.” (Emphasis supplied)

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Director IV
Office for Legal Affairs

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2 years 11 months ago #9809 by Action Officer
Action Officer replied the topic: Bachelor Degree relevant to the Job
Re: Education Requirement for Administrative/
General Service Officer, Cashier and
Supply Officer Positions
(Online Forum)

March 7, 2022

Dear Mr. Samuel Vergara:

This refers to your query whether the courses Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Technology, BS in Computer Science, BS in Industrial Technology graduate or other computer related courses would qualify as educational requirement to the Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO), Cashier or Supply Officer positions.

Please be informed that as a matter of policy, the Commission refrains from rendering an opinion on matters that may eventually be brought before it either by way of an appeal or a complaint, especially so if the material facts necessary for its judicious adjudication are not fully presented or substantiated as in the instant case. However, the Commission can provide you with certain provisions of the law which can give answer your queries.

Below are the educational requirements for the Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO), Cashier or Supply Officer positions pursuant to the CSC Memorandum Circular 1, series of 1997, otherwise known as the 1997 QS Manual.

Position Education Requirement pursuant to the 1997 Qualification Standard (QS) Manual

Administrative/ General Service Officer (GSO) A and B Bachelor’s degree

Cashier A-D and Cashier I to V (SG 22) Bachelor’s degree

Cashier V (SG 24) Masteral Degree

Supply Officer I to V (SG 22) Bachelor’s degree

Supply Officer V (SG 24) Masteral Degree

Other than the 1997 QS Manual, the CSC may approved enhanced qualification standards of position/s requested by the government agency pursuant to Section 31, Rule VIII (Qualification Standards), 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (ORAORHA), as amended, to wit:


“Part I. General Policies

“Sec. 31. The qualification standards are the minimum and basic requirements for positions in the government in terms of education, training, experience, Civil Service eligibility, physical fitness and other qualities required for successful performance of the duties of the position. These shall serve as the basic guide in the selection of the employees and in the evaluation of appointments to all positions in the government.

“The establishment, administration and maintenance of qualification standards shall be the responsibility of the department or agency, with the assistance and approval of the Civil Service Commission.

“Agencies are encourage to set specific or higher standards for their positions, including the required competencies. These standards shall be submitted to the Commission for approval, and once approved, the agency shall uniformly and consistently adopt these in the selection and appointment of employees. The approved qualification standards shall be adopted by the Civil Service Commission in the attestation of appointments of the agency concerned.” (Emphasis supplied)

Lastly, Section 49, Rule VIII of the 2017 ORAOHRA elaborates relevant bachelor’s degree as educational requirement in the 1997 QS Manual, to wit:

x x x

“Sec. 49. To meet the relevant bachelor’s degree requirement in the Qualification Standards Manual, the appointee must have completed from a CHED-recognized college or university a bachelor’s degree whose curriculum either includes, or is supplemented by, 12 academic units of the subject or course, which will enable the candidate to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled in the Position Description Form.” (Emphasis supplied)

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Director IV
Office for Legal Affairs

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