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Question Performance Rating

6 years 3 months ago #1559 by Rez Ruzgal
Rez Ruzgal created the topic: Performance Rating
Good day!

Section 6 (e), Rule II of the ORAOHRA, Revised 2018 provides that "for appointment by promotion xxx, the Performance Rating of the appointee in the last rating period prior to the date of assessment or screening, which should be at least Very Satisfactory, shall be required."

Does this new provision mean that an employee needs only to complete one rating period with at least Very Satisfactory performance rating in his/her present position before being considered for promotion?

Further, may I inquire if there are existing CSC rules and regulations which prescribe that an employee should at least render one year of service in his/her present position before being considered for promotion?

Thank you.

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6 years 3 months ago #1576 by Action Officer 5
Action Officer 5 replied the topic: Performance Rating
Dear Mr. Ruzgal:

Please be informed that it is the policy of the Civil Service Commission not to render opinions or rulings on issues that may eventually be a subject of a controversy or complaint before it. This is specially so if the material facts necessary to arrive at an objective analysis of the case are incompletely presented.

Be that as it may, to guide you in your next course of action, may we call your attention to Section 95, 2017 ORAOHRA (Revised July 2018):

“Sec. 95. An employee should have obtained at least a Very Satisfactory performance rating in the last rating period prior to the assessment or screening for promotion or transfer.”

Based on the foregoing, only the last rating of the employee in his current position is required for purposes of promotion or transfer.

Pursuant to its approved Merit and Selection Plan, an agency may rate the performance of its employees on a quarterly, semestral or annual basis.

We hope that we have enlightened you on this matter.

Action Officer 31

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1 year 1 month ago #11183 by Raymundo Dela Cruz Jr
Raymundo Dela Cruz Jr replied the topic: Performance Rating
Dear Sir/ Madam

May I clarify regarding the statement - "the employee must have at least obtained a Very Satisfactory (VS) performance rating in the last rating period prior to assessment". May I ask about the last rating period, in my case I am re-employed last September 01 - present and had a service gap from November 17, 2016 - August 31 , 2023 (since I filed a resignation on November 16, 2016). Does the last rating period would mean: 1) January - June 2023 (which evidently I don't have); or 2) in my case, my service record (or performance rating) from January to June 2016, and July 01 to November 15, 2016 could also be considered as the last rating period?

Our HR did not consider my application since I could not present a performance rating for the last rating period where she means January - June 2023. What I understand, my service record or performance rating covering January to June 2016, and July 01 to November 15, 2016 is enough for me to be considered as an applicant for promotion.

Hoping for your guidance on this matter. Thank you in advance!

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1 year 1 month ago #11184 by Action Officer 21
Action Officer 21 replied the topic: Performance Rating
the last rating period prior to assessment refers to the rating period immediately preceding the period of assessment of applicants for the vacant position.

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